
Italians: look away. We are probably committing several culinary crimes in your Nonna’s eyes. Regardless, this is our favourite way to make a classic Tiramisu - a delicious dessert that rounds off pretty much any dinner.


(makes 8-10 servings)

  • 1-2 boxes of ladyfinger biscuits

  • 450g Mascarpone cheese

  • 100ml heavy cream

  • 110g granulated sugar

  • 100ml Marsala wine

  • 150ml strong espresso

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 2 egg whites

  • 2-3 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder

Special Equipment Needed:

  • (Baking) tray

  • Fine-mesh sieve

  • Optional: hand/stand mixer


  1. Make the espresso and transfer it to a medium-sized bowl to cool off. Ideally, use a shallow bowl or rounded pasta plate. You will need to be able to dip the ladyfingers in here later.

  2. Add the Marsala wine to the same bowl.

  3. In a large bowl, add the Mascarpone cheese along with roughly two thirds of the granulated sugar. Mix until the sugar is dissolved and the Mascarpone has softened. Set aside.

  4. Create a double boiler: Find a heat-proof bowl that can fit snugly on top of a cooking pot. Add water to the pot and bring to a bare simmer over medium heat. Make sure that the water does not touch your bowl.

  5. Into the bowl, add the three egg yolks, along with roughly one third of the granulated sugar. Place the bowl on the pot.

  6. Whisk constantly to temper the egg yolks until they roughly double in volume and turn pale. This will take around 5-10 minutes. Don’t rush this process, or you’ll end up with scrambled eggs. Remove from the heat and set aside. While this cools, whisk occasionally.

  7. In a separate bowl, add the cream and whisk until soft peaks form. You don’t need to go too far here - the cream should just be lightly whipped.

  8. In yet another bowl, add the two egg whites along with a pinch of salt and whisk until stiff peaks form.

  9. Add the lightly whipped cream, as well as the tempered egg yolks to the bowl containing the Mascarpone mixture (step 3).

  10. Finally, add the stiffened egg whites and gently fold them into the mix.

  11. Assembly time:
    In the baking tray or vessel of your choice, add a very thin layer of your cream to coat the bottom.
    Now, arrange a layer of ladyfingers that you previously dipped into the espresso-wine mixture. You really only need to dunk the ladyfingers into the mix for a second or two.
    Depending on the size of your container, you’ll have to estimate how many layers you’ll end up with. We usually use a 23cm x 23cm tray and end up with two layers of ladyfingers.
    If you’re using a similar-sized tray, add half of the remaining cream on top of the ladyfingers and spread evenly.
    Repeat the above with another layer of ladyfingers and the remaining half of the cream.

  12. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

  13. Before serving, uncover and generously dust with cocoa powder through a fine-mesh sieve.


