Celery Pesto

Do you ever buy a whole bunch of celery stalks and don’t know what to do with the leaves? Use them for this refreshing pesto! We love eating this pesto on Spaghetti, but it works just as well as a sandwich spread or dip.



(makes 4 servings)

  • 320g celery ends (mainly leaves, some of the stalk)

  • 60g parmesan

  • 50g cashew nuts

  • 175ml olive oil

  • 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped

  • Salt & pepper, to taste

  • Optional: lemon juice

Special Equipment Needed:

  • Blender or food processor


  1. In a blender, add the celery leaves, parmesan, cashew nuts, and garlic cloves. Add in about a third of the olive oil along with some salt and pepper.

  2. Pulse a few times and stop to stir the contents. Add the rest of the olive oil little by little and repeat.
    Note: Depending on your blender, this can be quite annoying at first. Stick with it, it will come together eventually.

  3. Once all the ingredients combined to a relatively smooth pesto, taste and adjust for seasoning. Optionally add some lemon juice for some extra acidity.



Ginger Sesame Dressing


Lemon Tart